Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's spring time!

Here is a "paid for" birthday cake for my friend Amy!  I was excited to get the order and excited that she wanted lot's and lot's of flowers on it!  So I spent 2 evenings making the pansies, daisy's, apple blossom's and other flowers!  They are made out of royal icing that hardens when dry to make candy flowers!  Each one is individually made on a flower nail.  I made over 70 of these flowers and used 64 on the cake!  It is a white cake with buttercream frosting and buttercream filling!  Enough sugar to rot your teeth, but oh so yummy & pretty!  Let me know what you think!

Relay For Life cakes!

I was asked to do some cakes for a team fundraiser Spaghetti feed!  So I did the classic Relay For Life purple ribbon!  And because our theme this year is "Making cancer walk the plank", I did a Pirate Ship!  The pirate ship was LOT'S of work with all of the intricate details!  I think it turned out pretty good though!  Let me know what you think!